Workout Videos

Thigh and Bun to Kill for Workout

September 15, 2011

Hi Ladies, workout for today is with exercises for thighs and bun. It really kicked my butt for just 20 minutes, these were very long minutes, and the workout is brutal for thigh. If your goal is to lose weight you need to combine the power of nutrition and exercise. Your body needs energy/calorie deficit […]

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Goodbye Cellulite and Love Handles Workout

August 25, 2011

How to Permanently Say Goodbye to Cellulite and Love Handles Are you a woman that did every right thing and still have cellulite and love handles? I know how hard can be to shed last 10-30 pounds and how frustrating is to eat healthy, exercise and no result at the end… Huh?

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Butt and Abs Workout

August 2, 2011

This is the first workout I did after we came back from Los Angelis. I eat a lot sweets during my vacation because I love them and when I am on vacation I don’t limit myself. Although I workout every day in my vacation after eating so much sweets my abs became not so prominent […]

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Total Body Fat Killer: 200 Rep Workout

July 25, 2011

This is fat killer workout, brutal and very effective. It took me less than 15 minutes to do it but that were torture 15 minutes. Everybody can find 15-20 minutes each day to exercises and then enjoy the rest of the day. If you follow my workouts on regular basis, don’t spoil your efforts with […]

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Love Handles and Cellulite Workout

July 5, 2011

Today I was thinking to do a workout that will mostly satisfy you And the most frequent questions are for belly fat, cellulite, love handles, so I decided to do a workout addressing these issues But remember that you need reliable diet plan and weekly workout schedule to see results fast and easy! If you […]

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Cellulite Exercises for Thighs

June 27, 2011
Thumbnail image for Cellulite Exercises for Thighs

Cellulitis is curse for women. Cellulite actually is fat and marketing industry make you think it is something different and you can treat it with creams and lotions, which is not true. Cellulite treatment involves: 1. diet with calorie deficit to create energy deficit and pull stored fat 2. exercises and massage which improve circulation […]

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Beach Exercises: Full Body Workout

June 22, 2011

Here is my beach workout, it is very short, just 4 bodyweight exercises which you have to do 3 times in a row. There is an exercise for every muscle and the workout is completely bodyweight, you don’t need any equipment. Compound exercises bring much effort, so this workout is intense and at the same […]

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Short Full Body Workout

June 19, 2011

This is short full body workout showing only bodyweight exercises. You don’t need any equipment and you can do it right now feeling the results after just 15 minutes. Remember that you can’t tone fat, because exercises influence muscles and not fat. The only option you have is to burn fat via diet plan and […]

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Exercises to Eliminate Cellulite

June 13, 2011

This is was one of my hardest workouts and it contains the best exercises to eliminate cellulite. To treat cellulite you need intense thigh exercises, interval cardio and healthy diet plan. Click here If you need to get rid of cellulite and belly fat, this is my home workout program fro women from all fitness […]

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Flat Stomach Workout for Women

June 6, 2011
Thumbnail image for Flat Stomach Workout for Women

Are you ashamed of your bulging belly? Do you wonder how to have flat stomach? No matter how long and intense you exercise there will be no result if you don’t follow tested and proved diet plan and a workout schedule that actually work. Most people think they can burn eaten food with exercise. WRONG! […]

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