Vegetarian diet plan and exercises to lose 30 pounds

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by Rumi · 1 comment

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by Preeti
(Jamnagar, Gujarat, India)

Hiii there, firstly I must tell you I love your exercise videos. I have just started work out from your video (6 days back) and lost 0.56 lb weight. Ii am 154 cm long and my weight is 142 lb. I want to reduce 30 lbs in 6 months. My queries are:

Q 1. In what order I should do exercise from your workout video?? (now I am doing first thigh video then abs video and then arms video in evening for 1 hour and 1/2 hour walking after dinner).
Answer from Rumi – it is written how to do my workout videos, the schedule is next to the videos on the right side of the page.

Q 2 Can I do exercise during menstrual cycle?
Answer from Rumi – yes, you can do exercises during menstrual cycle. Listen to your body and if you feel good – than exercise. If you don’t feel good – don’t exercise.

Q 3 I am pure vegetarian, plz guide me a vegetarian diet plan to achieve my goal.
Answer from Rumi: Here is my pure vegetarian diet plan.

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