Hi Ladies, workout for today is with exercises for thighs and bun. It really kicked my butt for just 20 minutes, these were very long minutes, and the workout is brutal for thigh.
If your goal is to lose weight you need to combine the power of nutrition and exercise. Your body needs energy/calorie deficit to start burn its own resources, which are 2 types – fat and muscles. And here comes the role of exercises, if you workout regularly, your body keeps muscle and burn only (or preferably) fat.
If you workout regularly, don’t ruin your hard work with food. If you are not sure what to eat, check my belly fat and cellulite exercise program with 4 weeks diet plan.
The best time to do this workout is in the morning on empty stomach.
Exercises in thigh and bun workout
1. Dumbbell swings – 20 reps
This is total body exercise with stress on thighs, buttocks and shoulders. If you don’t have a dumbbell, get a water bottle.
2. Exercise combo – 10 reps
Tip: try to stay low during the jumping jacks and your thigh will go on fire.
5 Jumping jacks
5 Jump squats
3. Push up + knee to opposite arm – 10 reps
This exercises is not for thighs and bun but you need a rest in order to torture them and during the rest we can do exercises for chest, arms and back.
4. Single leg dead lift – 10 reps each leg.
This is killer exercise for back thigh and with a jump your heart rate goes up and more oxygen goes into your lungs and blood, and oxygen means you burn fat.
5. Single arm dumbbell rows – 10 reps each arm
Another exercise to rest legs, we do exercise during the rest
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