Relationship Books For Women And Men

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Below you can read reviews about relationship books for women and men that are written from people who read the book and explain how it helped them. If you find yourself in some of the reviews you can purchase book immediately, for your convenience I put links to Amazon, which is the best online store for books because of the best prices and secure online shopping.

How to Seduce ANY Man You Want?

Men, Women and Relationships: Making Peace with the Opposite Sex (Paperback)

Relationship Books for Women and Men- Review 1: “My wife and I divorced in 1995. We were apart for two years. Situations in our life kept bringing us back together to deal with children. Eventually we decided to try to put our marriage back together so we went to Christian counseling. Our counselor had us read this book. Time after time my jaw would drop open while reading. My wife said the same thing. I remember saying, “She isn’t crazy afterall. Our differences are normal.” Both our eyes were opened allowing us to accept our differences without feeling the other one did not care of love the other. This book along with our desire to do God’s will was the basis for our putting our marriage back together. We remarried after 2-1/2 years apart. That was six years ago. I buy this book regularly to give to couples old and young alike. It is a Godsend for a society too quick to divorce and too misunderstanding of one another.”

Relationship Books for Women and Men- Review 2: “Very well written guide for understanding the opposite sex. Even though it was written by a man, it amazes me how well he understands women and how we work. I think this book should be required reading for everyone!! Men, if you want to impress the women, read this! Also, since the book was written by a man, I assume us women can learn a lot about men as well. Read it!”

Relationship Books for Women and Men- Review 3: “Here is THE BOOK for a couple experiencing problems communicating and expressing their feelings to one another. My lady and I have recently experienced a painful breakup. I then purchased this book and immediately saw some of the reasons why we saw things differently and suffered a communication breakdown. I wish I had read this book a year ago! I could not put it down and read it rapidly. Now, I plan to reread it again slowly. You will get more out of this book than Dr. Grays “Mars/Venus” books and the 100’s of other books on relationships between men and women. If you are having problems with your mate SHARE THIS BOOK! Read it yourself first, than read it together. It will open your eyes as to how to give and receive unconditional love. Wish you good luck and good love.”

Relationship Books for Women and Men- Review 4: “I am not an avid reader, but after what appeared to be the end of a great relationship, I needed somewhere to turn. I read through titles of hundreds of books looking for just the right one; the one that could help me understand what was happening in my relationship and why. As with most women, I was somewhat familiar with Men are from Mars; Women are from Venus, but never read it. I took my time and read the preface to so many books, but this book seemed like it might be “the one”. As I began reading, I didn’t want to put the book down!! I finished the book within a week (again, not an avid reader, but it was a very easy read) and walked away with an amazing comprehension of my boyfriend and our relationship. I could identify with SO MANY THINGS from this book and relate them to my situation. A month before reading this, my boyfriend became distant and seemed to withdraw from our regular conversations. Since we were so close, I didn’t understand what was going on and could only conclude he was no longer interested in me — he must have found someone else. As I read — there it was — the exact situation I was going through explained in black and white with no emotional attachments — he was having (big) problems at work and as such was focusing his full attention on work.READ THIS — MEN AND WOMEN — to get a better understanding of each other, even if you believe you are exactly the same — YOU AREN’T! I understand now!!!! THANK YOU!!!

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