Your New Year’s Resolution for 2011

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by Rumi · 22 comments

in Ramblings

Christmas is knocking on the door (we say this in Bulgarian when something is very close, do you catch it in English?) and time between Christmas and New Year Eve is for thinking about my new yea resolution for 2011.

2011 and want to be happy and healthy. I want to find new things that make me happy. Until now I feel happiness when I am with my family (cats are part of family too), after every workout, when helping people – I want to discover new ways to feel happiness.

For me being healthy is not only working out and eating health food – for me it is maintaining health in my mind. I love to read books about personal development and to take in practice all the lessons. Positive thinking helped me several times; I love Law of Attraction, Hooponopono (Hawaiian method) and working out my sub consciousness.

I want to step on higher level of mental and spiritual development and hope 2011 will be good for this.

Tell me your New Year’s Resolution for 2011?

Note: Christmas is time when people over eat, experience temporary pleasure but not happiness. Food doesn’t make us happy. Happiness comes from inside. Don’t be a pig this Christmas! It is very easy to over eat for a week and this will “delete” a month hard work. Do you want to start the New year this way? Heavy and guilty from the eaten food? I know that happiness is not in the food, you know it too.

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