How to lose fat around the whole body?

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by Rumi · 0 comments

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by Sara

Hi Rumi,
I truly appreciate what you are doing for women like me around the world. In today’s time when nothing is for free, you are giving life and hope to many and that too for free!!! Once again Thank you very much.

Rumi, I too have the problem of fat but my story is a little twisted. I am 29 years old and my height is 4 feet and 10 inches (yes, I know I am small). I weigh 51 Kgs. Before I got married I weighed 48 Kgs and I’ve always had heavy arms and upper back but I still looked presentable.

After I had my baby, that was 4 years ago, my weight increased to 51 Kg and I’ve grown in inches from all over my body and of course cellulite.

You can imagine how I must be looking for my height!! My heavy arms and back are heavier, I have a lose belly. I look ugly!

You see, my husband is a very good looking guy. He’s always had beautiful women flocking him. Now I am this ugly person he has for a wife. This is effecting my marriage.

I come from a very traditional family, I live with my in-laws, you know; Joint family. Its not easy in this kind of a system to go to gyms or move about when you have chores and house to look after.

I could consider going under the knife for a plastic surgery, but then where I come from it is not acceptable.

So Rumi, you are my hope. Please help me to get in shape in 3 months if possible as its my wedding anniversary in the month of June. I want to look and feel my best. I am counting on you.

God bless you.

Answer from Rumi

Hi Sara, there is solution for your problem. You need to start healthy diet and weight will start to melt away.

Here is a good diet for busy people which I created for women in your situation.

You can lose weight only following my diet but after you lose weight your body will not be toned and tightened and that’s why I suggest to do my exercise videos at your home. You don’t need any equipment for them and they are only 20 minutes in length.

Wish you to look gorgeous :)


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