My site has new design yupeee :). I am happy I managed to make this change.
How to use the new design:
If you want to go to Home page click my picture in the header of the site
New workout videos can be accesses from the top black navigation; also there is a slider on the home page that shows latest 5 videos so you can follow me in my exercise routines. Check daily, cause I plan to post often new videos, like 3-4 times weekly.
I need some time to make exercise videos for download, so keep patiently and in the mean time exercises with me with Youtube video version.
There is Menu on the right, where you can access all old pages of the site (if you have some favorite articles).
Today I didn’t have time to shot new video and did one of my old workouts, see it below:
Okay, tell me what you think about design change, but have mercy, cause I like it
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