Full Body Workout Routine For Busy Women

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by Rumi · 0 comments

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This is the place where you can chose from a list with exercises and many free videos especially developed for women’s full body workout routine.

I don’t recommend doing full body workout routine for a long time, however there are times when we are busy and it is better to workout regularly than to not workout.

I remember when I worked 12 hours per day, I workout every possible day doing 1 exercise for every big muscle group in the body.

This workout regimen saved me time – I did average 10 exercises per workout for total time 40 minutes and also I don’t follow any workout plan or whatever.

My goal was just to workout all my muscles in one workout, because I didn’t know when would be my next workout.

The only rule I followed was to alternate exercises for muscles.

For example for back muscles I alternated following exercises:

Barbell lifting
Pulling lever towards abs
Pulling lever towards chest

For chest I prefer:
Fly with free weights (in the gym you can do it on machine
Press with free weights.

Butt exercises
Dead lifts – this exercise is for lower back, butt and back thigh
Lifting bent leg to the ceiling – you are on the floor with knees and hands

Leg – hip exercises
Squats – also good for butt muscles.
Lunges to the back and to the front (walking lunges) – also good for butt.
Kicks – to the back and to front – if you do them very quickly it can be also aerobic workout.

Leg – inner thigh
I pay special attention to this part because it is women’s problematic spot. But you can’t do only exercises for inner thigh; you must do squats or lunges too.
From laying position open and bring together legs – this exercise also workout your abs – very good exercise!

Side crunches
Jogging or running – this is perfect for abs and calves and also burn your overall body fat.

Arms – biceps
Curls with barbells
With barbells, bent elbows, move arm from the shoulder until arm become parallel to the floor.

Arms – shoulders
Lift barbells to the side on shoulder height
Lift dumbbells over the head
Lift barbells in front with bent elbows

Arms – triceps
Arms over the head – bend arms to the back
Bend body, arms near the body, straight to the back and bend arms to the front

Lift body on toes

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You can design your full body workout routine using one exercise from the above listed for every muscle group.

Usually strength training workout is designed with exercises for different muscles in different days. The reason is that muscles need rest. I don’t recommend to do full body workout routine for a long time. I remember that I did it for 3 months and after that I discontinue and return to my usual workout (I split exercises for different muscles in different days).

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