This is the right place. There are lots of sites that offer written free workout plans, which explain with words exercises – very valuable information. In this site you can not only read but also watch exercises, because except written explanations there are videos of free workout plans.
Here you can train online not 10, not 15 but more than 20 minutes. I know that 20 minutes workout sounds as long training but it is the minimum routine. If you train less than 20 minutes there will be no results. Honestly, I workout app. 1 hour, but I receive many letters from people who haven’t a wish or time to workout so long. That’s why I developed 20 minutes workout for different body muscles.
Your body starts burning fat after 10 minutes of vigorously training. Every minute after first 10 minutes is as liposuction for your butt, legs, hips etc. That’s why all free workout plans in this site are app. 20 minutes length – 10 minutes to start burning fat and 10 minutes of fat burning. Free exercise video
I know gradually you will start increase time for workout because this will become pleasure for you. Until this happen workout as long as it is pleasant for you.
I remember that when I started with fitness I always wanted to skip abs exercise, because I hated them. There was a girl in the gym who told me that abs are the most easy for training muscles, I didn’t believe her. I did crunches, but I don’t like them. Lifting legs was almost impossible. And there was sore the day after workout.
After some months I saw progress in doing abs – I could do 10 reps legs lifting and this was difficult for me, not the fist repetition, but the tenth. Gradually I really enjoyed abs exercises because they become something that I could see progress.
The difficult thing in the beginning also was breathing – I tried to hold my breath and to make all reps without exhale. I learn to breathe the right way as I start to breathe very noisily. When is the more difficult part from the exercise – exhale, when is the easier – inhale. Learn for breathing exercise.
The other benefit from workout was regularly, naturally bowel movements. If you have constipation problem, learn how to beat it with workouts and with herb tea.
Sweating is result from energetic workout. Many people are ashamed from their odor. Learn why we sweat, what clothes to wear and benefits from sweating. Sweating also is the most reliable sign that you burn fat. When you do exercises it is absolutely normal to become wet. When I am entirely wet, I know that I did good workout.
Do you know what diet really means? Diet means to eat many times a day, small portions and quality food.