
Cellulite Exercises for Thighs

June 27, 2011
Thumbnail image for Cellulite Exercises for Thighs

Cellulitis is curse for women. Cellulite actually is fat and marketing industry make you think it is something different and you can treat it with creams and lotions, which is not true. Cellulite treatment involves: 1. diet with calorie deficit to create energy deficit and pull stored fat 2. exercises and massage which improve circulation […]

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Cellulite and Belly Fat Workout

March 7, 2011

This is workout for female fat zones – belly and thighs. Women draw cellulite on hips and belly fat – these are very stubborn fat zones and it is difficult to melt fat there. This workout is tough for thighs and tummy and tightens muscles, makes these areas warmer which is important for starting fat […]

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Cellulite Exercises

November 6, 2010
Thumbnail image for Cellulite Exercises

Below is a video with cellulite exercises, it is just 5 minutes (1 set), you better do it 3 times to get 15 minutes workout. This cellulite video is a part of “Wake up Lean“ – exercise program with 18 exercise videos (and I continue to add more videos every week and members get new […]

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Which are the Best Cellulite Massagers and Creams?

January 1, 2010

Staple stuff Cellulite massagers give great results but stay dependent on the cream used with it. They, through mechanical arrangements, make the constricting connective tissues expand and stretch and at the same time, stimulate body fluid circulations in the cellular level. Using the massager helps the cream to be pushed to the skin interiors for […]

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The Best Anti Cellulite Exercises to Get Rid of Fat Thighs and Buttocks

December 17, 2009
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Cellulite Cream – Does It Work? Which One to Buy? All Answers Bellow!

December 9, 2009

Basic facts Many cellulite creams with varied ingredients currently floods the market and cause no-less dilemmas than cellulite itself. The fear of cellulite often numbs the mind of the majority women and it’s the fear that drives the selection. But truth remains that fear clouds the mind the most, letting quite a large extent of […]

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Cellulite and Liposuction: Be Informed Before You Proceed

December 5, 2009

From fattening to thinning down: A precise paraphrasing Liposuction becomes imminent once cellulite receives attention. The fast life and its furious frenzies don’t allow much for the long, gradual processes; it’s a short and fast remedy that’s often sought. So, cellulite and liposuction often goes hand-in-hand. No doubt it’s effective, but liposuction removes just the […]

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First Know Cellulite and Hormones, Second Eat Anti Cellulite Foods

June 28, 2009

In favor of logic Bandying on anti-cellulite foods have become the latest instrument to stir up the storm in the teacups (teacups, since people even opting for green tea are often suspicious regarding its benefits on cellulite treatment) and even a single mention of such foods on the cover are enough to triple the circulation […]

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Urgent Steps to Remove Cellulite

May 10, 2008

“Hey Rumi! I was wondering if you could tell me the best way to get rid of cellulite. I’m pretty happy with the rest of my body but I just hate my cellulite. I don’t understand why some women have it and others don’t. Am I just unlucky or is there something I can do […]

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Effective and Fast Way to Lose Cellulite

February 1, 2008

by Anna (Poland) Hello Rumi, I am 25 years old, 50 kg, 165 cm, female. I have been slim since ever but I have terrible problems with cellulite. Currently I am unemployed so I spend most of my day at home and I have a lot of time to start taking care of myself and […]

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