Exercise Routine For PMS

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by Rumi · 0 comments

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I don’t know a single woman who doesn’t suffer from PMS.

It hurts me every month and it is obvious I can’t rely on pills for this and I invented my own exercise routine for PMS which is excellent natural PMS cure.

This exercise routine helps me to fight PMS water retention (this drives me crazy because all my clothes become tightened and uncomfortable) and to bring out my negative emotions.

You know what I speak about – bad mood, strange thoughts, even anger to everything and anybody.

In this short workout I include exercises for:

  • Legs – 20 repetitions of lunges for every leg (total 40) plus 20 squats.
  • Buttocks – pointing to the ceiling – 40 repetitions with each leg.
  • Many kicks in order to bring out your negative emotions and to purify your mind.
  • Back – 20 repetitions with dumbbells.
  • Arms – 20 reps for biceps and shoulders.
  • Abs – 15 reps for lower abdominal muscles plus 20 reps for upper abs.
exercise routine for PMSStart PMS workout (windows users only)

All this in 10 minutes – yes, 10 minutes intense workout to relieve your PMS.

Of course every exercise can help to cure PMS, but my workout is short and very effective.

Longer workout is better and if you have motivation and willing to workout longer, than choose from other my videos, go to free workout routines page, where I have many other exercise routines.

PMS symptoms that can be cured with exercise routines:

  • Bad mood.
  • Breast tenderness.
  • Water retention.
  • Excessive sweating and change of the odor.
  • Muscle pain.

My own experience with PMS is very knowledgeable. I found that for me natural PMS cure includes:

  • Exercise routine for PMS.
  • 500 mg Magnesium with the first PMS symptoms (usually 1 week before the period) – this step is not obligatory, but I found that Magnesium helps me to fight depression and bad mood.
  • 8 water intakes per day (minimum).

What to do after the exercise routine for PMS?

I like to take very, very hot shower after the workout. My muscles relax under the hot water and hot steam open the skin pores and purifies them. I like the fragrance of fruits and essential oils, like tea three or Shea oil.

You can massage yourself while you are staying under the shower; because of the warmth the oil will have more healing and relaxing power. After that soap the body with your favorite shower gel and again gently massage.

Finish the relaxation with intense towel massage. Intensively scrub the body with the towel until your skin become red. This will improve your blood circulation and will help to get rid of water retention.

My recipe is proven and works over me. I hope to help you with this information and with the exercise for PMS.

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