Butt Workout – More Effective Exercises

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by Rumi · 0 comments

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I receive many letters related to butt workout that makes perfect butt. If you have questions contact me trough online form. There are several exercises for butt, none of them is more effective than the others and my advice is to alternate different exercises, because muscles have the ability to remember and to quickly adapt. Every time you have to shock your body, to surprise with different workouts and exercises.

Start this butt workout with exercise #1 – butt and back thigh

Lay on the floor, lift hips, and tighten butt and thighs as strong as you can. Move the butt up and down as shown on picture bellow:

butt exercise

What is important for this butt and thigh exercise?

– Tighten butt and thighs muscles and keep them tighten while move butt up and down.- Do as many reps as you can – 20 – 50.

Extension to the previous butt exercise is following exercise:

butt exercise

Hold butt and thighs tightened; the butt is in the highest lifted position. Fix foots on the floor and move quickly only knees. Important for this exercise is to move only knees and to keep butt and hips muscles tightened. Try to do this exercise without rest after previous.

Next exercise is for butt, legs and lower ab at the same time

butt exercise

Lay on the floor, lift the butt, step with one leg and the other leg is straight, parallel to the floor. Flex the foot and lift to the ceiling. Try to make 10-20 reps. Per leg.

Important for this exercise is to keep the leg straight and tightened. Lift the legs as high as you can but more important is to hold it straight and not to bent knees.

If you do your exercises maybe you want to speed up the weight loss with “3 weeks – 9 pounds” diet. Read more about this mega effective weight loss diet.

If you read and study every exercise, click here to start the video butt workout.

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