My best vitamin supplement

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by Rumi · 0 comments

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Vitamins activate and regulate body metabolism. Best vitamin supplement is combination from all vitamins. Vitamins are NOT a substitute for food. On the contrary – they cannot be assimilated if food is not consumed.

Vitamins activate and regulate body metabolism. They are extremely important for the normal functioning of the organism and, with few exceptions, cannot be produced or synthesized by the body. It is impossible to sustain life in the absence of the necessary vitamins.

The important issues concerning vitamins are:

– They are NOT a substitute for food. On the contrary – they cannot be assimilated if food is not consumed.
– They are not pills that raise your energy; they do not possess any calorific value!
– You should not expect taking vitamins and not eating at all to be healthy.
-They are not substitutes for carbohydrates, proteins or fats.

My best vitamin supplement plays an important role in assimilating the basic nutritional substances from the food I eat. Vitamin shortage can affect you in various ways. Each vitamin plays a specific role and only a medical specialist can tell whether you have a shortage or an excess of a certain vitamin. This is usually determined through tests and analysis of the symptoms you describe.

I have chosen to consume varied food and take a small dose of combined vitamins daily. The vitamins I use are especially developed for women with added plant extracts that benefit the specific functions of the female body (monthly periods, menopause), that’s why I consider Opti women as best vitamin supplement.

The daily dose is two tablets. As I eat mainly dairy food, brown bread, eggs, fish and vegetables, I believe half a dose of Opti women vitamins is sufficient for me.

You can see their full nutritional information by clicking here. Optimum Nutrition’s Opti-Women combines Vitamins and Essential Minerals with Ostivone™, Soy Isoflavones and much more to create an all-inclusive female formula. If you would like to order some online for $16.00 cheaper than Optimum Nutrition sells it for, go here: Opti-Women.

My best vitamin supplement is packed in a bottle of 120 pills and is usually enough for about 3 months as I take 1 or 2 tablets a day, then I stop taking vitamins for 2 months to give my body the opportunity to feel the difference and adapt. I would like to stress that I do not take vitamins for a medical reason or in search of some special effect; my aim is to feel good. However if you take 2 tablets per day (which is recommended serving per day) one bottle is enough for 2 months. Click here to see how best vitamin supplement looks like and label information.

I have noticed that about a week before my monthly period I become nervous and hyper sensitive; this is when I take magnesium.

Magnesium influences the muscles and nerves. It is a mineral, not a vitamin. It is also used for the treatment of depression. If you are taking contraceptive pills, talk to your doctor about a magnesium prescription. Magnesium aids in the body’s energy production, combats stress, assists in bone growth, helps regulate body temperature. Deficiency symptoms are increasing nervous system irritability and arrhythmia. If you would like to order some online, go here: Magnesium.

One bottle has 100 capsules and if you take 1 capsule per day for a week before your period, this bottle is enough for 1 year. Check here for the best price I found for 100 capsules. Magnesium helps to keep the nerves relaxed. It is necessary for all muscular activity. It is an activator of most of the enzyme systems involved in the metabolism of carbohydrate, fat, and protein.

Here you can find descriptions and information on various vitamins , amino acids, minerals, herbs and nutritional supplements and their possible uses. Relieve various symptoms with the help of vitamins and herbs.

The liquid Vitamin supplement for a healthy you.

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