Best Biceps Workout for Women

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by Rumi · 0 comments

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If you are looking for best biceps workout, maybe you have an idea to change your arms!?

Which is the best biceps workout?

There is no best bicep workout. What is good for you might not be good for someone else. The best way to find out your best front arm workout is to try, monitor and fix errors.

Another important thing is your goal. If you are bodybuilder, you have to workout in different way than if you just want to build lean muscles and to have exquisite female arms.

Check my favorite exercise for biceps.

In my workout I usually do 2 exercises for biceps, each exercise 3 sets per 8-10 reps. I use 2 barbells, each 5 kilos (app. 10 pounds). If you are a beginner, start exercises for biceps with weights that are not so heavy for you.

First you have to build self confidence, to feel comfortable while handling barbells and after that start to workout with bigger weights.

How to choose perfect weights biceps workout

– If you do more than 12 reps in the first set, these weights are light for you.

– Take bigger weights and try again, but don’t do all weight tests in one workout, because you are getting tired after every 10 reps and results become invalid.

– Proper weights – first set is not so hard, second set is hard, the third set is very hard – last 2 reps seem to be almost impossible.

Best biceps workout and female look

Women are always afraid to do strength training because they will loose their female look. The truth is that to build muscles you need testosterone hormone, which is male hormone, not female. May be you saw female bodybuilders and you are scared to become like them.

Female bodybuilders take supplements, hormones, eat big amount of protein, workout with biggggg weights and follow special life style. Women don’t bulk up easy. Relax and workout regularly.

Learn benefits from strength training for women.

Go to Arm workout for women

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