Am I not losing weight because of fruits and sweets?

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by Rumi · 1 comment

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by shfarial wooten
(waynesboro, MS)

Hi, my name is Faria. I need help with my weight really bad. I am 20 years old and 5’4 and weighing almost 150 pds. I used to weigh 130 pds a couple of months ago and I need to lose at least 20 pds fast.

Every since I gained the weight I’ve been feeling so depressed and I have tried so my workout routines on my own, but their not working at all. I have a big problem with eating sweets and not enough fruits. Is that why I’m not losing the weight fast enough? Can you help me please?

Answer from Rumi

Hi Shfarial, the main reason people don’t lose weight is what they eat. Sweets and fruits, both contain sugar. My advice is to stop sweets while you are truying to lose weight and to limit to 1 fruit per day for the same period.

Once you lose weight you can eat as many fruits as you want, but don’t eat sweets every day. After you lose weight you can eat sweets only in days you workout.

Be informed that 1 hour of exercising spend app. 300-400 calories which are the calories in a piece of cake.

I suggest you to chose one of my diet plans and to follow it until you reach your desired weight.

Check my exercise videos.


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