After Baby Weight Loss Diet Plan and Exercise

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by Rumi · 0 comments

in Q&A

by Still young

I have had 6 children. Two cesareans, rest natural. Age 33 now. Gestational diabetes with last one but suspect the last 3 without being noticed. Got chronic fatigue after 3rd baby and I am doing much better now without medical help. Nothing ever shows up on their tests!

Problem is I am about 50 pounds over weight am 5’2″ and cannot lose weight for anything. Tried everything. Healthy everything and the occasional diet pill.
Prior to 3rd baby was a size 7 but normal size 3-6.

Thanks for any advice. None seems to have this kind of answer. Am willing to wok at it but cannot afford tons of fresh foods or diet products. So a natural diet is better for me. Love almost any healthy foods.

Answer from Rumi

Heather, congrats for your children, wow 6 is a big number :-). I have helped many women to lose weight after baby and believe me it is not difficult, it is simple. The only thing you need to do is 2 things:

1. Eat what I will tell you


2. Exercise with my workout videos

Both will not cost your budget, because I will limit what type of foods you eat and my exercise videos are free.

After baby diet plan

I have already created post pregnancy diet, please have a look at it and if you find it easy to follow than do it, you should see the first results after a week, but better do it for 2-3 weeks, than have a rest a week and do it again for a couple of weeks.

Now if you found the above diet not fitting your budget than follow this simple diet plan:


You are allowed to eat as much as you want from the following foods but nothing else, just nothing else. It is very important not to break this rule, don’t touch ANY food that is not in the list below:

  • Low fat meat (fillet) – grilled or baked veal.
  • Offal – veal and chicken liver, kidneys and tongue.
  • Fish – any kind that is baked, grilled or boiled.
  • Sea food – any type that is baked, grilled or boiled.
  • Poultry – chicken, turkey skinless.
  • Low fat ham
  • Eggs – boiled or baked without fat.
  • Low fat or skimmed dairy products – milk, yogurt, cottage cheese.
  • Water – at least 1.5 liters per day, the more, the better.
  • Tea, herb tea and coffe – without sugar.

If something is not in the above list – don’t eat it!!! This is the only rule. You can eat as much and as often you want, but only food from the list. The same rule is for drinks – only from the list.

Combine this with 40 minutes per day exercises and you will lose 10 pounds in the first week.

Try this for a week and let us know about the results.


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