20 minute workout video

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by Rumi · 2 comments

in Support posts

This is the place where you can watch and do 20 minute workout video.

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You need password to obtain access to the page with videos. Subscribe to my e-zine for new video workouts and I will immediately send you password to the page with free videos. There are available some videos without subscription, if you want check first them, and after that subscribe for my e-zine for 20 minute workout video. Go to free workout routines or subscribe for my e-zine bellow.

If you are beginner, first check exercises for different muscles and after that start workout with me. From the menu choose butt, arms, abs or legs – read information, study proper exercise doing and after that workout with me.

My mum always asks me to prepare special routine for her, because she finds my workouts too hard for her. I haven’t recorded this video yet, but if you think like her, check this page with video workout specially developed for older adults and seniors.

Go to 20 minute workout video – here you have:

– Entire body workout – recorded on the beach. This video can be done when you skip your usual routine for some days and you are extremely busy and can’t spent time to workout different muscles in different days. I include exercises for all big muscle groups – legs, chest, only lower back (because for the upper back you need dumbbells and this video is without dumbbells), abs – upper, lower and love handles, butt and hips.

– Cellulite workout video – recorded at my apartment – you need a chair for this workout. Specially developed for women’s most problematic spots – butt and hips. You will feel how you burn fat in these spots and how tighten buttocks and thighs.

– Inner thigh video – tighten those flabby flesh on your inner hip. Exercises especially for this so problematic woman’s spot. Recorded in my back yard after a big storm, lots of leaves on the ground and me in green shorts doing exercises for inner thigh.

Do you know what is quality food, what to eat when you want to loose weight and never think about obesity? Check my diet.

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